Because our personal Spiralling is the direct connection to the Universal Feld of Infra-Dimensionality, where what we are and what we do directly affects everything else. Even if we don’t want it to. Or if we think we are so separate we have no effect.
We do, Loves, we are the Ones.
This is all our own creation.
Everything comes together here, in this inquiry, including the Patron, especially the Patron, because although It has colonised the E-arth and her Terratoriums and Felds of Re-al, It has done it by manipulating and reframing separation and pain, and ignoring or damming flows and fluidities.
Shredding the Membranes whose differentiating qualities celebrate rich differences and diversities. In using suffering and separation and greed and fear, It has displaced Itself from the Infra-connected Re-al.
Because the Re-al will not ever serve It.
I am publishing my book in 2023.